Labels:text | screenshot | art OCR: NEWS 216 October 1917 DANCER SPY 24 for. spying; was es morning SHOT. the > public; yon Atfive o'clock th Mata Hari was.'di appearance and aracter of her WOMAN'S REFUSAL TO motor-car from S 1 Oriental, she Prison to Vincen tch nationality. HAVE EYES BANDAGED. accompanied by her arms of close "a Protestant pasto 1.a number of wearing a dark From Our Own Correspondent, trimmed with fura ple and took popularity here P.MaIS, Monday, felt hat. She sho Ition of military emotion." Marguerite Zelle; or Mata Hari `the dancer, for several years" a." She faced the firing with the -Berlin favourite of the Parisian public ;.. great *courage - and were proved at; who was condemned to death, by. have her eyes ban arge sum's of- the Paris court martial on July official report state admitted the tru Were t ...